


  • Official comment

    Hi Dave, thanks for letting us know about the problem you're experiencing. 

    Have you looked at our help centre article "Dash Cam Freezing"? There are 3 things that can cause a Dash Cam to freeze.

    1. The SD card isn't compatible, or has developed a fault. - Try another card.
    2. The firmware on the Dash Cam needs updating - Make sure the firmware is up to date.
    3. The rear Dash Cam connection is not stable - Does it freeze without the rear cam plugged in?

    If you've checked all of these things and are still experiencing problems, please submit a support ticket with our team and we'll see what we can do to help you out. 

  • Neil Cleveland

    Updating the Dash Cam is a real headache! it keeps failing


  • Ryan

    Hi Neil,

    I'm sorry to hear your having issues updating your camera. Can you provide more information please?

    Please also confirm the model of your Dash Cam, along with the firmware version that's currently installed we'll try our best to help out :) 


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