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What does the Status shown in my iQ app mean?

Where can you see find iQ status?

The iQ status is shown on the main page of the iQ app and indicates the current state of your iQ. 

iQ Status in app.jpg

The possible iQ states are as follows:


When the Status shows that your iQ is Online it means that your iQ is currently powered on and is recording. Your iQ should be accessible using its 4G connection.

Type=Security mode.svg

When the Status shows that your iQ is in Security Mode it means that your iQ is currently in Smart Sense Parking Mode. In this state your iQ is in a low power state where it is not recording but it is monitoring for movement near your vehicle.


When the Status shows that your iQ is Offline it means that contact cannot be made with your iQ.  This could be because it is in an area with no 4G signal or because it is no longer receiving any power, possibly because your vehicle battery voltage has reached the Low Power Cut-Off level specified in your iQ app.

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